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What Attracts People?

What attracts people to a Church? A convenient location? YES!
An attractive building? YES!

But the key element in attracting visitors, newcomers and prospective members is friendliness in the pews. Where there is a warm, dynamic Congregation with an enthusiasm that is contagious, visitors in large numbers will usually come.

A Church can buy many advantages with money. These include a well-located comfortable building, trained leadership, top quality advertising and an abundance of recreational, educational and social activities.

But good fashioned friendliness, of which the world is surely in need, is not for sale. It comes only from the hearts of dedicated people who love the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy helping others to feel at home in their Church.

Here are 5 simple steps to a friendlier Church:

1. Speak to the other person first; Don’t wait for someone else to take the Initiative!
2. If you don’t know him/her, introduce yourself!
3. Wear a pleasant expression. If you have to be grumpy and sour, do it somewhere other than at Church. A great Church was never built on frowns!
4. Take Will Roger’s testimony as your motto: “I NEVER MET A MAN I DID’T LIKE”!
5. Memorise and practice Proverbs, 18:24; “A MAN THAT HAS FRIENDS, MUST SHOW HIMSELF FRIENDLY”!


Остали текстови
1.3.2015., РАС прес

Backslider's Calendar

JANUARY: I hereby resolve to start to Church this year! But I’ll wait until February. Gotta get over the Holidays. They take a lot out of a fellow.
1.3.2015., РАС прес

Welcome to the Orthodox Church

In the years after Jesus’ Resurrection, apostles and missionaries travelled throughout the known world spreading the Gospel. Soon five major locations were established as centers for the faith: Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Alexandria and Constantinople. In the year 1054 the Roman church broke from this united Church, and five hundred years later Protestant churches began breaking away from Rome. But the original Church has remained united in the Apostolic Faith since the first century. THIS IS ORTHODOXY !
1.3.2015., РАС прес

Orthodoxy and Roman Catholisism

Our Church is the Apostolic Church, which means that it was founded by Jesus Christ and organized by the Holy Apostles. The teaching of Jesus Christ and His Holy Apostles has been faithfully preserved in our Church by the Holy Tradition. During the first few centuries, within the Church five Patriarchates were established with the sees in the following cities: Antioch (in Syria), Jerusalem, Alexandria (in Egypt), Rome and Constantinople. These five Patriarchates were united into One Church until the middle of the 11th century.
1.3.2015., РАС прес

Last sermon of a German clergymen

Friedrich Griesendorf, who died in 1958, was a very educated man. He was at one time a court clergymen for the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II. After World War II, he was a pastor in the Eversburg church parish where a camp of Serbian prisoners of war was located.
1.3.2015., РАС прес

A Timeline of Church History

Scholars estimate there are over 2,600 groups today who lay claims to being the Church, or at least the direct descendants of the Church described in the New Testament Repeat: 2,600 ! But for the first thousand years of her history, the Church was essentially ONE! Five historic Patriarchal centers: Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Alexandria and Constantinople, formed a cohesive whole and were in full communion with one another. There were occasional heretical or schismatic groups going their own way, to be sure, but the Church was unifed until the 11th century.
27.2.2015., РАС прес

Kempston residents present petition on religious inclusiveness to Number 10

Members of the Kempston Seventh Day Adventist Church visited Number 10 Downing Street last week to hand in a petition to the Prime Minister calling on him to do all he can to protect the most vulnerable and religious minorities in India. The petition, which was signed by over 700 local residents, draws attention to the pressure on Christians and Muslims in India and calls on Prime Minister, David Cameron to emphasise religious tolerance and inclusiveness in his discussions with India’s Prime Minister.
15.10.2014., РАС прес

Ковентри - Град културе

Сваки град тежи да у току године има разне манифестације за своје грађане, поготово ако (као што је то случај са већином градова у Енглеској) у њима живе народи из разних земаља, разних религија и култура. Један од таквих градова је и Ковентри, у коме живе десeтине разних националности, религија и култура. Зато сваке године, другог викенда у септембру, у граду се одржава интернационални Фестивал посвећен "Лејди Годиви – Lady Godiva”.
12.4.2014., РАС прес

Дневник ратног хирурга

Дневник ратног хирурга др Миодрага Лазића
19.2.2014., РАС прес

Нови живот после вишегодишњег породичног пакла

Николина Јелић са деветоро деце отишла из Горњег Лајковца јер није могла даље да трпи да је муж малтретира и туче. – После боравка у Сигурној кући вратила се у родни Сурчин, где она и најстарији син раде и издржавају породицу Осам или девет векни хлеба дневно, неколико литара млека и јогурта, пет килограма кромпира, мало паризера или неколико виршли само су неке од намирница које свакога дана мора да има на столу десеточлана породица Јелић из Сурчина. То је минимум хране која им је потребна како би „прегурали дан”. Ако добију чоколаду, уситне је на коцкице како би је сви бар пробали, банану поделе на десет колутова, а редовно прате акције снижења како би купили намирнице које су најјефтиније. Машину за веш морају да укључе три или четири пута дневно, а гардеробу наслеђују једни од других.
14.2.2014., РАС прес

И муџахедини су замукли!

Ратна 1994.година. Сарајевско ратиште, положај српских борбених снага на Грбавици - Јеврејско гробље. Празник Св. Трифун, 14-ти фебруар. Уочи Св. Трифуна сам са својом протиницом Секом стигао из Калифорније у српску ратну престоницу Пале. Као и обично, када смо долазили, били смо домаћински и братски примљени у дому Богдана и Кове Вукадин.